You know you’re an Entrepreneur, when …

I don’t think it’s a choice, anymore than any calling is.

My earliest memories were always based on creating something bigger and better. I can’t help it – I just always think, WHAT IF?

In my last (very last) “gig” as an Employee …. my colleague said “Lisa, no body can keep up with you”. At the time I took it as a dig at my character. Now I realise it was actually a huge compliment!

I started my work life out working for the Government. In those days you could literally go to work and clock on and clock off (I had flexi hours) and work out how little you could do in so much time and then collect your pay cheque. I was sooooooooo frustrated because I just wanted to run a million miles an hour, be creative, and see (and feel, like every entrepreneur does) the fruits of my labour.

I was a bit of a slow learner because it took me over 30 years to realise that I just was not built to be an employee.

I just always think, WHAT IF?

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